Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Orcas disappered

It's great that I installed Orcas (Visual Studio .Net 2008 beta) on a VMware machine, because a while ago I tried to start it, as it give me something like component didn't exsist kind of mess. Sigh. Sorry, but I don't have time and patient to reinstall it again.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Beta fun with Microsoft

Since I am currently jobless, I have more time to play with all the latest Microsoft beta products, especially when the VMWare run smoothly on my X60t even when I assigned 768Mb memory to VMWare.

I briefly played with the following two products today:

- Visual Studio .Net 2008 (Orcas) Beta 1
- Windows Server 2008 Beta Longhorn

Both products works pretty well under VMWare.

My impression of Orcas was that it included a lot of SDK into the application. Maybe it will allow the Development IDE to have better integration with these SDKs.

I also found that Longhorn server has a lot of fine grain configuration provided by the new Control Panel.

I definitely need to find some info online in order to explore these two products effectively.